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Red Papaya Puree / Pulp

The product derived from fresh, sound ripe, Red Papaya fruit (Carica papaya L.) Practically free from any objectionable factor affecting quality of the fruit. Product prepared by thermal treatment to render it “Commercially sterile” and completely free from any additives and any pathogenic / spoilage micro – organism and any other hazard.

Organoleptical, Physical and Chemical Analysis

Appearance Uniform, homogeneous smooth, free from fibers and any and foreign extraneous matter.
Aroma & flavour Characteristic prominent, well-expressed aroma of natural ripe Red Papaya and free from any offensive flavour. Particularly free from scorched, oxidized or caramelized flavour.
Taste Characteristic, pleasant typical acidic sweet taste of natural ripe Red/Yellow.
Colour Orangish Red
Brix Min 9° - Max 11°
Acidity % 0.45 – 0.60%
pH at 20 °C 3.50 – 4.00
Consistency 9 – 11 Cm/30sec
Brown specks 05 Nos per 10 gms
Black specks Nil

Total Plate Count Absent
E-Coli Absent
Coliform Absent
Pathogens Absent
Yeast and Mold Absent
“Commercially sterile”, free from bacillus, osmophilic yeast, coliform and any other pathogenic microorganism and fit for human consumption. Product is free from added sugar, dyestuff, synthetic flavour, stabilizers, pesticidal & herbicidal residues and radioactive contamination.

Product is aseptically packed in pre-sterilized high barrier Aseptic bags (215 +2 kgs), which are,placed in a 300-gauge polythene bag in M.S drums with a thermocol pad below the lid.


80 drums per 20 feet container Palletized or Non palletized.


Storage at ambient temperature.


24 months from the date of production under above mentioned Storage conditions.